Sugar Bear's Virtual Memorial Run - Supporting Marines and Gold Star Families

We are less than one week away from Sugar Bear's Virtual Memorial Run (Saturday, July 22nd). I hope you will join us by registering, sharing this event, or even donating. Support of this event goes directly towards our programs for Gold Star/Surviving Spouses and children and those of the Marine Corps Association. You can help us honor Sugar Bear's legacy of service by supporting the spouses and children who have given their all. From the night we met over thirty years ago, to his final deployment in Afghanistan, Sugar Bear focused his life on one of service and giving back. I invite you to read more about his life and this event. For those who take part please share any pictures on social media and use the #SugarBearMemorialRun. Thank you for helping us celebrate our hero's life in a way that is truly impactful. 

Thank you,

Jennifer Carazo
President/Gold Star wife